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A riff heard for Myles
That's a Bigg riff
Uttley insane
Drummer Kyle Haws lays down
Here's something you don't see
Jamie Saint Merat's drumming on
Some truly epic music coming
It's wicked dahk in this
His curse is being an
With appearances from Mars Volta
Castro shredded so hard he
Tune low, shred hard.
Take a sneak peak at
Italian proggers let you into
A look behind the curtain
Danny talks recording strats for
The countdown is on!
"I'd love to Winger-that!"
Cab IR(L)
Rrrrreeeeevvvvveeeerrrrrbbbbb and delay delay delay
The opportunity to download his
Your picking is looking kind of straightforward, champ. Time to vary it up.
And a partridge in a pear tree.
It's like the Vortex, but with the Two Notes Wall of Sound cab sim!
Your days of programming drums with a mouse are over.
New video interviews share Trent & co's thoughts on using gear as a creative tool.
Pioneers, I tell you. Pioneers.
Not really. His returns only accrue.
Glenn Fricker: Making the internet better, one angry video at a time.
The next CreativeLive clinic features Tommy Rogers and Jamie King.
Can you tell which is which?
Fusing different kinds of metal with an iron, sounds pretty metal to me.
5 times it's okay to suck out loud.
Want to learn this riff? Why not give it a
All you need is a good head and cab, a flashlight, and a broadsword.
Drummers: are you bored of spewing in 4/4? Get in here and up your game.
Learn a riff AND get your music theory fix.