ULCERATE Drum Cam Footage of ‘Everything Is Fire’ is Fire, Fam

Check out this neat behind-the-kit footage of Ulcerate from one of their recent shows at the world famous Saint Vitus Bar. Jamie Saint Merat effortlessly rips through one of their iconic tracks ‘Everything Is Fire’.


Keep an eye on the foot-cam, the kicks are absolutely relentless in this song. The flurry of tom rolls and scattering of cymbal hits all over the song should also make it fairly obvious that his hands are quite busy here too. Although, I guess both of those things are true for pretty much every Ulcerate song ever, so…

Dude is clearly one of the best extreme metal drummers out there right now. And I have seen them play live so I can guarantee that Jamie slaughters each track as much as he does this one.

This song is the title track to their defining second album Everything Is Fire, which came out in 2009 (!? goddamn time flies). To this day it remains unmatched in terms of sheer dissonant brutality and its unique, almost meditative, take on extreme metal. In this style, it’s arguably only been bested by the Ulcerate albums that came after it.

Speaking of, their latest album Shrines of Paralysis was one of my personal favorites for 2016. If you haven’t heard it, do yourself a favor and give it a listen.

Want to see Jamie Saint Merat pull this shit off for realz? Check out their Facebook page for upcoming dates. Aussie bros – they’re coming over in March for Direct Underground Fest with Gorguts and Marduk. Maaate.

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Demigod Zeke studies marketing & economics and produces his friends’ disgusting slam bands.

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