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A riff heard for Myles
That's a Bigg riff
Uttley insane
Drummer Kyle Haws lays down
Here's something you don't see
Jamie Saint Merat's drumming on
Some truly epic music coming
It's wicked dahk in this
His curse is being an
With appearances from Mars Volta
Castro shredded so hard he
Tune low, shred hard.
Take a sneak peak at
Italian proggers let you into
A look behind the curtain
Danny talks recording strats for
The countdown is on!
"I'd love to Winger-that!"
Cab IR(L)
Rrrrreeeeevvvvveeeerrrrrbbbbb and delay delay delay
The opportunity to download his
A Rig To Remember
"We're on the wrong show."
This is WILD!
Don't Fucking Blink!
Kevin “Drummer” McGuill: maybe the most accurate nickname out there.
Our final in-studio clip with Sweden's mathcore elites is also the silliest.
He comes rippin' and roarin' through, one-take-wonder-style!
Jimmy, Tom, Kerry, Gary, and Paul made one of the most surreal moments in television history.
A meeting of the minds!
Episode 1 of our in-studio series with Sweden's young, mathy masters.
Rex is approaching Keith Richards levels of cool.
It's a dark, dark place, but we've all been there.
This has got to be the best way to meet women, possibly ever.
Herman Li has no chill.
Yes Patrick, Mayones IS an instrument - a very fine one at that!
One of metal production's finest talked to us about working on the last Meshuggah album.