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A riff heard for Myles
That's a Bigg riff
Uttley insane
Drummer Kyle Haws lays down
Here's something you don't see
Jamie Saint Merat's drumming on
Some truly epic music coming
It's wicked dahk in this
His curse is being an
With appearances from Mars Volta
Castro shredded so hard he
Tune low, shred hard.
Take a sneak peak at
Italian proggers let you into
A look behind the curtain
Danny talks recording strats for
The countdown is on!
"I'd love to Winger-that!"
Cab IR(L)
Rrrrreeeeevvvvveeeerrrrrbbbbb and delay delay delay
The opportunity to download his
We spoke to bassist Joseph Rowland about his Clarke's boots and Guild bass.
There is no such thing as overkill.
Guitarists Corey Schaefer and Duane Conlon show how to play "13 Miles" while bassist Joe LoCasto breaks down his rig.
We caught up with Arkansas boys Devin Holt and Brett Campbell to talk guitar rigs.
Well this is certainly the coolest guitar tone I've stumbled across recently. Fans of skyscraper-high fuzz tones, inquire within.
Eidan Thorr-orr, floats around like butterflies
Is the JCM 900 unfairly maligned when compared to the 800? After hearing the gnarly tones on Helsinki Savagery I
Is it possible to build a complete mobile guitar rig out of IK products
But it's hard to hold a candle in the cold, cold Kemper reign.
If there were a competition as to who has the most expensive rig that we've covered, Circuitry may be the
The Guitar Hero series of games (for those too young to remember lo those many aeons ago) involved hitting buttons
Watch out for your throat hole, bud.
A full rundown of the gear used on the band's new album.
It's cool. No actual vomity fists touch any of the gear.
The tools of the trade for cutting through a wall of sound with each drum strike.
A second Rigged on Empress AD, because one is never enough.