summer namm 2014 Tag

They sing in the dead of night. That's pretty metal if you ask me.

1964 seems like a lot of ears, but if you've only got 2, they've got something to put in them!

Connectivity is crucial, otherwise how will Skynet get into your pedals?

Yah, I don't have a mic locker either.

It's pronounced Tie. So if you beat the crap out of them, are you a Taye fighter?

Sick of dropping your pick, Nick? Give these a flick for your djentstick licks.

Put your keyboardist out of a job.

Brothers everywhere, raise your hands into the air, we're Warriors, Warriors of the

Master of Amps I'm turning your knobs.

They want to touch more of your drum head, baby. Because that skin of yours is so fine.

He's Conquered Dystopia, mowed the Plains of Oblivion, and ordered Zero Phase, so what's next?