Summer NAMM is a world of difference from Winter NAMM. For one thing, it’s in Nashville, Tennessee instead of Anaheim, California, which gives it an automatic laidback factor, and it’s something like 1/4 of the size. This makes for a vastly different experience, and of course it also gives you a taste of that famous Southern hospitality. And those ACCENTS! Combined with the barbecue and vitriolic religious fervor, I was very reluctant to leave. Georgia based Warrior Guitars celebrates their 20th year in 2014, and with it comes their 20th Anniversary models, some of which Dran Michael took the time to extol to me in his smooth drawl this week at NAMM. For not really having any direct connection to metal, this brand of guitars is pretty metal. Check these out:
A fucking sweet dragon
Poseidon, god of the sea.
Carved into the guitar.
So sick.
All of their models are custom made by hand, and they carry the price tag to match. I was able to spend some time with a couple of them in the soundproof booth with a Bogner, and these things smoke. Check out the walkthrough of some of their new models for 2014. http://youtu.be/_ChOtSuLdck