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Wait, is that a Fender
They've got the kind of
It's more deluxe than plain,
French black metallers have recruited
Check out a fan-filmed backstage
Check out a playthrough for
Boo! Bad healthcare!
Slow down there buster!
I personally would have gone
Watch them Sylosing in realtime.
Learn all up in your
You might want to do
Play slowly: you might get
On a strange Armenian jazz beat.
FFO: Chon, Animals As Leaders, Periphery, etc.
Pray for Sound run down how to build a shimmery tone for your clean riffs.
Julz shows us the ingredients for meaty thrash riffs.
Get creative with your pedalboard!
Touring You Apart
Over the track "Para Mexer," live from their summer tour with Between the Buried and Me and The Contortionist.
Start upping your picking game with this video lesson.
Did you know Guild was making new instruments?
Our dude Krzysztof SÅ‚owikowski takes a break from Mega Man to chop up a Nobou Uematsu classic.
Check out guitarist Ben Weinman's physicality while recording a track off One of Us is the Killer
Do you have Holcomb-Mania?
Testament guitarist and Megadeth bassist teach you some riffs from their new supergroup side-project.
Yes, including the chromatic ascending riff in "Angel of Death!"
White Widows Pact leave one of their dirty sludge riffs out to dry.
Papa Het dishes the dirt on his gear.