The Weekly Riff – John LaMacchia of SPYLACOPA
You can Spyla cop a riff off this video....
You can Spyla cop a riff off this video....
Want to learn this riff? Why not give it a... chance?...
You'd better pray for four more arms....
They've got the kind of riffs that made Nietzche write "The Antichrist"......
It's more deluxe than plain, old chaos....
The ex-Shai Halud vocalist and current Enabler guitarist gives you the breakdown on how the Hollow Earth is tilled. Tilling is something you do with s...
This new album of theirs has quite a Buz about it....
Pyrrhon feel the noise. Girls rock your boys....
Dreamsnake, I believe you can get me through the ni-iiiight....
And the band's guitarist Brad Marr will show you the notes "One by One" as well. Never has a song been so aptly named....
For a song titled "Echoes" there sure isn't much delay on the any of the riffs. Maybe a little reverb. I get where they're coming from though. "6th c...
Christofer Malmström is thinking "I'd like to make what's Mechanically Div-mine Mechanically Div-yours." Or that's what he would think if he apprecia...
Between the Bass and You one thing will no longer be standing in your way: now you know <em>how</em>. Of course, knowing is the easy part. Doing......
How well can you solo while girded in chainmail? Not this well, I'd wager....
RiffHARD or hardly RIFFIN?...
Us too, Paul. Us too....