
We spoke to bassist Joseph Rowland about his Clarke's boots and Guild bass.

I'm partial to the T-Rex, so I have to fault this video for starting with the show-stopper.

Dino's exceptional taste in guitars, now available to the public.

Intronaut guitarist/vocalist teases his new line of basses to go with his Moonflower and Yarnhawk guitar models.

There is no such thing as overkill.

As Metal Month comes to a close, we look back in remembrance of those we have rocked.

It's a mess, but it's a fun mess!

Guitarists Corey Schaefer and Duane Conlon show how to play "13 Miles" while bassist Joe LoCasto breaks down his rig.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhye just wanna fly.

Fusing different kinds of metal with an iron, sounds pretty metal to me.

We caught up with Arkansas boys Devin Holt and Brett Campbell to talk guitar rigs.