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Wait, is that a Fender
They've got the kind of
It's more deluxe than plain,
French black metallers have recruited
Check out a fan-filmed backstage
Check out a playthrough for
Boo! Bad healthcare!
Slow down there buster!
I personally would have gone
Watch them Sylosing in realtime.
Learn all up in your
You might want to do
Play slowly: you might get
The music is loud in here!
How does this clone of the original sound?
NAMM is Disneyland for musicians - come along as we stand in line with no Fastpass!
These little babies pack a lot of punch in a tiny package!
Go deep into the mouth of the Dread Machine
The best in the business giving the business to the rest
Adam Sagan's spirit lives on
After what feels like millennia, Fractal Audio have announced the third full iteration of their Axe-Fx line - the Axe-Fx
I stabbed a man with a sword!
A cautionary tale for the ages.
Vai-able techniques
Prevention is the only effective cure.
The clock is ticking!
2 buck chuck