July 2014

ESP is releasing very limited runs of guitars commemorating the life of Jeff Hanneman, and the 30th anniversary of Metallica's

Will someone please talk Tesseract into playing these?

What, did you think the tracking of their next album would put a hold on their constant social media barrage?

By "old west" I mean"the studio," and by "the fastest feet" I mean, "well, maybe not absolutely the fastest but

Boss introduces the "Waza Craft" pedals, including the return of the DM-2 analog delay.

I'll write it, and we'll do it live!

Next up will be Marty Slasher Inc, which details how to hunt and kill Marty Friedman.

Dillinger Escape Plan drummer climbs to mountaintop. Finds Tama cocktail kit. Also possibly enlightenment.

It's better to be denied "Wings" than "No Stairway." And you're probably more into Page than McCartney anyhow.