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More like FIREside amirite
Cocktail on the beach? Don't
Fuck the facts, here's some
Try saying that five times
Cut the cord!
Unleash the Fourth Phase!
For improvisation and lead playing.
Rabea Massad gives you some
Pat Petrillo' shows off his
Girth can be good in some cases, but not this one.
The crowned kings of caveman death metal are back with some new dankness.
The future is here and it's full of touchscreens.
I'm always excited to see what Eddie and the folks at EVH Guitars are up to - it seems like every year,
Once the Dark Blood gets in your veins, it's there for good.
Get a walk-through of the new amp sim straight from the main man Joey Stugis.
Your pedalboard just keeps getting smaller
Start down the path of the Svart Crown.
If it ain't Brocken, don't fix it!
The Obsidian: blacker than the blackest black times infinity.
Have you ever actually heard a stage monitor mix? Well, now you can.
So, when do we just start writing checks directly to Misha?
The Trooch gets all the best toys.
Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radiooooo
New Plini signature, new Bodens, and more!
Your go-to NAMM 2017 performance schedule list.