What a year
Join the fam
Sims 4 confirmed
Ahh yes, the teacher becomes
Double the necks, double the
You spin me right Pound
Tear it up, break it
You should probably go practice
This is one of the
Your own private NAMM show!
It's impressive for sure.
Also of Thursday.
The song is also amazing.
John Over Petrucci
Behind the curtain
Untether me, Petrucci.
Perphery's a machine that's well
Back to basics!
Let's tackle the first and
Every single thing you need
Why is this interval so
Go fourth and conquer!
The most crucial of all
No posts were found.
The engineer/musicians talk shop about mastering, recording, and performing.
Your options for killing the ring have broadend.
The makers of Axe-FX want you to step on them.
Synyster Gates on one of his more obscure influences, and a brief jam session to follow.
Instrument instruction is the last safe bastion for the dvd format, apparently.
A drummer that brings his own mics to the gig is a drummer I can get behind.
Some teles go twang, some go djent, crunch, and/or chug ( and don't forget meedeley-meedeley-MEEEEEE!!!!)
But me, I'll buy any pedal with a blue LED.
A spin on the usual Rigged format. Today, we enter the studio to see how the guitar tone on The
And a "best of Devin in the EMG studio montage" for good measure.
You'll go Meshu-ga-ga
No, the Z in doesn't stand for Ziltoid.
Because old gear is better than new gear, unless you're some hoighty toighty vintage snob.
Not a popular petition, mind you, but let's entertain the idea anyway.
Or maybe my wizard analogies are off and it's more like controlling invisible puppets
A better look at the vocal tracking process this time, for the band's new record Phenomena