Gear Gods

We take a look at their new ID:Core practice amps.

I hope you brought a big bag of cables. We're routing so many signals that we're going to need a

Today we're learning to make plutonium from common household items.

The Satan and Solar in the hands of Ola Englund are something to be Feared. Now they can be yours.

It looks like the 6505 has been hanging out with Andy Sneap for too long, because it picked up his

Chappers chatters about the new line for 2014, it will make you shatter your crapper

Probably ideal for if you accidentally knock a tuning peg around while climbing the scaffolding at a show so you

A cool little unit for those of you who want your effects routed through independent speakers.

Dissonant Aggressors meet Hammerclaws. Kind of sounds like they should blaze a path of destruction through a well-populated city, huh?

A bevy of levity from Hevy Devy.

His Ibanez JBM100 was seen in the wild for the first time at NAMM.

Hate may be Eternal, but alas NAMM lasts only for a weekend.

Straight to you from the NAMM after party at Noble Ale Works.

We covered a lot of ground during day 2 of our NAMM tour. Here's the gist of it.

Playing what appears to be Conquering Dystopia tunes, so come get your music previews with your gear previews at NAMM.