One of my favorite things about NAMM is the accidental artist demo, like when Wolf Hoffman happened to be at the Framus booth to show off his signature guitar. The same thing happened with Axis Percussion. We swung down to take a look at their new direct drive pedals and their product rep said “Why don’t we have Derek Roddy show them to you?” So of course, when we found out Derek was there that day we stuck around to watch him rock out behind the plastic barrier that tries and fails to hold back the flood of his drum fury.
I can’t tell from the video if the music that’s ever so faint in the background is what Derek is playing along to, or if he’s just jamming to something that only he can hear in his headphones. If anyone can tell from the performance what songs he’s performing, let me know in the comments. They certainly don’t sound like Hate Eternal, but I’m by no means an expert on that band’s entire catalog.
gk from Season Of Mist / January 29, 2014 11:05 am
its Menace