Revv up those fryers
Tell 'em DAVE
Take your chances with Gus.
Shred on, Greg, shred on
Ready to grind like Gus?
Emphasis on "Monster"
Don't Hirsch yourself!
That's a lot of strokes!
Beam me up, Scottie!
What doth ye covet?
We thought we had seen
It all makes sense now.
Dude rules.
It's insane.
Solid proof that grind-core is
Dave knows axes.
MY EARS (in a good
Add more power to your
There's a better way!
Make your chords more colorful
Analyze This (diatonic chord progression)
What chords are in the
We ask the Gear Elder
Everything you've ever wanted to
Pahk ya cah at the
It's like getting regular action 12 times.
Let's throw some Bare Knuckle Black Hawks in this Les Paul. But first, the EMG 85 set has to go.
The solo/Seven the Hardway/Tony MacAlpine guitarist may use the same pickups as most of the other featured EMG artists these
In this case it's a beautiful Mayones Regius 7.
I mean he shreds through it. You know, not that he's crying the whole time.
His solo record comes out in a month, but you can watch him as well as bassist Mark Michell perform
The band has recently moved to Kemper Profiling amps.
And a "best of Devin in the EMG studio montage" for good measure.
Trust me. I gave him "Less" for his birthday last year and he was kind of bummed out about it.
Fanned frets, true temperament, and 8-strings would likely be three too many challenges for my stupid fingers.
I'm looking to the next Bare Knuckle pickups that will come in "Ace," "Slugger," "Champ," "Sport," "Buddy," "Big Guy
An anagram of "funeral" is "real fun." I think that says it all.
Feeling Lost in Consciousness? Maybe you've been trying to navigate the labyrinthine fanned True Temperament frets in this video!
Does he own any branded gear that doesn't begin with "E"? Yes, but still, our E-meter is off the charts
You may have heard of him.
It doesn't look it, but it's actually a very, very evil guitar.