Can A Plugin Make ONE Guitar Sound Like ALL THESE GUITARS? B...
Now that's just crazy talk......
Now that's just crazy talk......
It’s an exciting day in the land of gear, and you may already know why. That’s right, Fractal Audio have just announced their newest gener...
Looperboard Looperboard Looperboard Looperboard...
Archetype: one pls...
Rrrrreeeeevvvvveeeerrrrrbbbbb and delay delay delay delay...
Current(ly) streaming...
Put those headphones in your ears, close your eyes, and let the sounds of -AIRE transport you to another plane...
That's just like, your opinion, man!...
Two necks, three pedalboards, what more do you need?...
You spin me right round baby...
Command your MIDI rig....
These are of two of the few people that are really tuned into the current state of the heavy music industry...