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Check out the chops on Jay!
In case Indian food wasn't good enough
"Kashmir," "The Ocean," and "Immigrant Song," on xylophone, marimba, and more!
And all three in this playthrough video!
What is the AX8?
Take the sterile out of digital.
Courtesy of hate5six, is a GodCity-mixed, Audiosiege-mastered set from This Is Hardcore.
Like a man cave, but more musical.
We talked shop with one of the top independent pedal builders in the game.
Members of Lewd Acts throw a little bit of sludge into their aggression.
New Friedman amp sims and an acoustic IR plugin!
If it ain't Brocken, don't fix it!
ISO a power supply for your pedalboard? The Iso-Brick might be the droid you're looking for.
Not sure what happened to Resos 1-6, but I imagine they were just prototypes.
Buzzsaw keyboards! Acrylic guitars! And
Sylose This