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Wait, is that a Fender
They've got the kind of
It's more deluxe than plain,
French black metallers have recruited
Check out a fan-filmed backstage
Check out a playthrough for
Boo! Bad healthcare!
Slow down there buster!
I personally would have gone
Watch them Sylosing in realtime.
Learn all up in your
You might want to do
Play slowly: you might get
Specifically with his "9th Floor Walkup" track.
'70s crunch, at your service.
Now with their AIRD technology.
The new ESP 7-strings are pretty sick.
Get bassy.
For all your detuned needs.
Now that he's outta the band.
You can get it now.
For all your shred needs.
Enter the Gibson Dual Falcon 20 2x10.
Aliens not included.
In quite a few iterations.
Frank Marino Audio has arrived.
It was previously only available in Aztec Gold.
With some new features, of course.
Get those eclipse glasses back out.