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Periphery drummer smacks down "Psychosphere."
Danny Morris blasts through the
The Koller Cam rolls on.
Barkin' up the wrong solar
Nothing to cry about here!
Under the willow treeeeee
"Pentatonic Hardcore," an hour-long video
Why do bands like Oceano,
Hack your axe!
A practical lyric writing method to get you started!
Kenneth has retired.
It all started in Antarctica. Literally.
Featuring LOguitarist.
From "the best guitar he's ever owned."
"I'm constantly disappointed by extraordinary guitar players that have got no concept of how to change their sound."
The Spark CAB has arrived.
The PT EX has arrived.
Featuring a video by Dave Friedman himself.
Out of the waste bucket.
For all your funky shred needs.
He's got some prototypes.
The rumors were true.
It's from 1981 and it ain't cheap.
"Years in the making," they said.
Five finger riff punch?