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Now learn the verse!
You're gonna murder these riffs.
Instrumental, atmospheric rock FFO: Explosions
Get in loser, we're going
Tomas drums in a parallel
Holy Wars meets Holy Land
Check out some live drum-cam
Check out some beautifully-shot clips
Svalbard? I hardly know her!
Check out some recently-unearthed film.
Newest 'Deth guitarist is living
She's a beauty!
Mikael plays piano, makes jokes;
Rehearsal footage, interviews, tracking clips,
You're gonna want to check
It's easier than you might
A tutorial for beginners.
Finally, the easiest method of all. I can't believe I didn't try this!
The best pranks from bands, Pro Audio manufacturers, and yours truly.
Freezing, can't move at all/Screaming, can't hear my call/Tesseract is dying to live/Cry out, they're playing on ice!
Just watch!
The dude in this case is Pete Cottrell, a London based guitarist who collaborated with Rob Scallon on Djenty Metal
Apparently some fans can't see the light even though the #veilhasrisen.
Our fearless muckrackers take to the streets of Austin, armed with iPhone 5C.
Boy, does this vintage soda commercial from 1985 make me thirsty.
Solo guitar arrangements of rap songs?
Aaaaaaand that's enough internet for today.
Lol see what I did there?
The Extinction Level event of a lifetime.
"Kashmir," "The Ocean," and "Immigrant Song," on xylophone, marimba, and more!
Swat those pesky smart phones!
Mr. Grey will Meme you now.
Would a rose by any other name jam as sweet?