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Serena Cherry teaches you a
Very spoopy, much scare, many
Riffs that cut like butta
Blast beat back beats -
So, what's it like drumming
Riffs as big as the
These old dogs still got
From the band's forthcoming live
The HM-2 lords in Black
Both former and current members
Are we sure Ken Bedene
FFO: Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth, Immortal,
My papi played an organ
Etheriuthly good.
Studio docs are best docs.
Everyone at Gear Gods has
I mean, the secret writing
The boys are about to
AKA, "spooky notes"!
Slappa da bass through this
Tour light - tour smart!
Top Shred Chef in the Battle of the Tasty Noodles
All while "Beautiful Joe" Biden hung around backstage.
Rule #2 is in effect
What if Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer, or Pantera had recorded the song instead?
How rude!
Major Songs in a Stevie T
Orange has an excellent sense of humor.
Spoiler alert: he doesn't play "Stairway"
Instant chaos, just add power!
Riffing some Pantera on a microwave guitar? Why not!
Play the flute? Why not just play a mandolin?
Terror and Hubris in the House of Spicy McHaggis
Counterstrike as a musical instrument
She's a lady, he's a Mutoid Man, what's not to like?