Secrets Part 2!
Do you remember yours?
The Aftermath of your fingers
Aliens? Aliens.
Doing the Lord's work
Adam Jarvis' Drumming is the
"His nimbly precise prowess pretty
Live at the renowned Saint
I'm definitely excited to watch
Dude is a monster.
It'll ruin you.
Make Them Suffer is now
I won't Stan for this!
The meaning of life is
Is it everything you've ever
Cow go "moo", bass go
To InfinitLee and Beyond
Bassline to song in 20
Fix your mix's weak bass
Make it sound as good
Sevenths heaven!
Sixth sixth sixth
I plead the fifth
Turning your Q's into A's,
Question authority, or at least
Ask the Gear Gods!
Demigod Zeke studies marketing & economics and produces his friends’ disgusting slam bands.
Chon featuring R A D I C A L B O Y E pupper who does himself a gnar, fren.
The one drum plugin collection to rule them all.
Gene Hoglan rips through this classic Death track. Plus you get to hear the whole "extended" solo section from the fade-out!
Cormorant are back with a new album of Progressive Blackened-Death bangers.
The DrēmTrigger is an ultra-portable drum trigger unit that has it’s own built-in sound module. Pretty damn cool, right?
Is this a glimpse into the wacky future of music formats?
Producers hate him! Save lots of money in the studio with these 5 simple tips
The Opeth guitarists give a comprehensive run-through of their current live setups.