Revv up those fryers
Tell 'em DAVE
Take your chances with Gus.
Shred on, Greg, shred on
Ready to grind like Gus?
Emphasis on "Monster"
Don't Hirsch yourself!
That's a lot of strokes!
Beam me up, Scottie!
What doth ye covet?
We thought we had seen
It all makes sense now.
Dude rules.
It's insane.
Solid proof that grind-core is
Dave knows axes.
MY EARS (in a good
Add more power to your
There's a better way!
Make your chords more colorful
Analyze This (diatonic chord progression)
What chords are in the
We ask the Gear Elder
Everything you've ever wanted to
Pahk ya cah at the
Guest solos include Rob Scallon, Jared Dines, Fluff, Garrett J Peters, Chris Rafinski, and Extinction Level Event on bass guitar(s).
New podcast features interviews with a variety of working engineers, including Scott Evans, Vance Powell, Robert Smith, and more.
Check out the chops on Jay!
In case Indian food wasn't good enough
"Kashmir," "The Ocean," and "Immigrant Song," on xylophone, marimba, and more!
And all three in this playthrough video!
What is the AX8?
Take the sterile out of digital.
Courtesy of hate5six, is a GodCity-mixed, Audiosiege-mastered set from This Is Hardcore.
Like a man cave, but more musical.
We talked shop with one of the top independent pedal builders in the game.
Members of Lewd Acts throw a little bit of sludge into their aggression.
New Friedman amp sims and an acoustic IR plugin!
If it ain't Brocken, don't fix it!
ISO a power supply for your pedalboard? The Iso-Brick might be the droid you're looking for.
Not sure what happened to Resos 1-6, but I imagine they were just prototypes.