tc electronic Tag

Get ready to space right the hell out.

The ultimate D-A-D rock band

Effects pedal world leader TC Electronic just put out a whole army of new products dubbed the Analog Armada Series

Unquestionably quintessential to the quality of your quest.

An in-depth walkthrough of God's very own live rig!

Double double up up those those tones tones.

Satchel bottled up his "Viagra Substitute" and assembled the "Pussy Melter" as some signature patches for TC Electronic's TonePrint collection.

Fill your board, but don't empty your wallet!

It's a group of girls, but don't call them a girl group.

Classier than a clip-on tie, and more useful.

Polyponic tuning that clips on to your guitfiddle!

As part of Overdrive week we interviewed a couple of pedal makers who are making strides in new designs and

25 pedals + 8 styles of metal in an interactive shootout - pick the perfect pedal!

Give em' something to step on and crush that isn't your hopes and dreams.