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I can't breathe!
But does Icarus live?
Want to learn this riff?
All you need is a
Drummers: are you bored of
Ray, when someone asks you if you want a lesson with Brent Hinds, you say "Yes!"
Some musings on why guitar rigs get all the love in these types of features.
The build and features of his new guitar as almost as impressive as his playing.
Trust me. I gave him "Less" for his birthday last year and he was kind of bummed out about it.
DB Instrument Amp's 4E dual-axis up/down left/right expression pedal is pretty bonkers.
An unreleased song that's more released than any track from the band's soon-to-be-released album
Alex Wade, Ben Savage and Zach Householder on the writing of riffs for their new record Our Endless War.
A lesson on repeated notes in your phrasing for you melodic guitarists out there.
There's going to be a lot of winners on this contest. But only one of them could be YOU.
Because Gibson just built that: the Memory Cable.
Starring guitarist Max Short, and very special guest: film grain.
What's lacking in technical details is made up for in enthusiasm and evil staffs.
Thick Orange/Framus tones from the Danish Doommeisters.
A look at the bridge that prevents your guitar from ever going out of tune, on a guitar owned by
Oh, and DEP guitarist Ben Weinman will be there with him.
I look forward to their upcoming thriller in which they communicate with The Dead to solve the mystery of who