distortion Tag

Time to get your board ready for the show!

The new king of the strat takes on the 805 pedal.

It makes building your own drive pedal a snap!

VFE's highly prolific pedal builder talks tech on overdrives, design, and the Mega Pedal.

25 pedals + 8 styles of metal in an interactive shootout - pick the perfect pedal!

Wes Sleepwalks his way through this demonstration of how to properly use pedals. And how to properly play the guitar.

If you can be Overzoid, can you be underzoid? Can you be just zoid?

Designed in partnership with Carlo Sorasio, Italy’s premier boutique amp and pedal builder.

Why catch lightning in a bottle when you can catch sauce in a box?

It continues the trend of EHX pedals that combine two to three of their units into one box.

The trend of clean blend knobs on every new distortion pedal continues.