
JP & co. cut it hard in the studio.

Supergroup featuring Baptists, ISIS, and Russian Circles crushes it live.

Dragonforce proving once again that they are more fun than your band.

In which Trey fangirls HARD.

Thoughts on Code Orange Kids, Dillinger Escape Plan, CHON, and more.

Our fearless muckrackers take to the streets of Austin, armed with iPhone 5C.

New professional footage has surfaced of the band performing "Larks Tongues in Aspic, II"

A girl named Tina shreds DragonForce like it's not a big deal.

Boy, does this vintage soda commercial from 1985 make me thirsty.

How often do 35mm film, bloody pickguards, and hand-painted frames end up in the same sentence?

Courtesy of hate5six, is a GodCity-mixed, Audiosiege-mastered set from This Is Hardcore.

Catch up on the recording of Enchanted by the Most Abonimable and Desolate Demons From Beyond The Realm of Chaos,

New commercial from Orange Amplification hits all the right spots.