Revv up those fryers
Tell 'em DAVE
Take your chances with Gus.
Shred on, Greg, shred on
Ready to grind like Gus?
Emphasis on "Monster"
Don't Hirsch yourself!
That's a lot of strokes!
Beam me up, Scottie!
What doth ye covet?
We thought we had seen
It all makes sense now.
Dude rules.
It's insane.
Solid proof that grind-core is
Dave knows axes.
MY EARS (in a good
Add more power to your
There's a better way!
Make your chords more colorful
Analyze This (diatonic chord progression)
What chords are in the
We ask the Gear Elder
Everything you've ever wanted to
Pahk ya cah at the
Life really isn't that peachy
Etheriuthly good.
Open your thoughts and join the Hyvmine
The ultimate "Phantom Amour" session update.
Studio docs are best docs.
Our final in-studio clip with Sweden's mathcore elites is also the silliest.
Episode 3 of our in-studio series with the Savage Swedes of Mathcore!
Klayton is a master sound manipulator.
Watch Max at work tracking guitars for the band's upcoming Party Smasher Inc. debut
Legendary engineer for D.R.I. and Slayer talks Waste.
TesseracT just slayin' it all exclusive for ya.
Martin Grech joined TesseracT in the studio for a live playthrough of "Hexes."
He did, however, grow a third testicle while shredding inside the moon.
Brann talks 70's drum tones, "Barracuda," and the band's most song-oriented release yet.
Everyone at Gear Gods has been so hard at work handling NAMM stuff that we've scarcely had a moment to
I mean, the secret writing magic between James and Lars!