Author: Ben

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This custom B.C. Rich guitar was built for W.A.S.P.'s Randy Piper in 1984, and now it can be yours!

Learn all about the brand new musical instrument convention on the East Coast.

These four pieces of gear will greatly increase your quality of life on the road!

The iconic drummer just launched a shop selling a TON of his gear!

Adding the already awesome lineup that includes Phil Anselmo, Kerry King, Mike Portnoy and more.

Dream Theater guitarist nerds out on new pickups.

Two legendary musicians lay down some improvised jams.

Early today a photo surfaced of Dime's original sketches for his desired and now famous Dean Razorback. The photo comes courtesy of Dean A&R guy Curse Mackey who posted the photo on his Tumblr. Check it out: [via Metal Injection]  
