The series on recording drums from Glenn Fricker has been a very in-depth one, and a hooting good time at that. Glenn knows how to keep things entertaining as well as educational – and when you live in a land where it snows 100% of the time and there are rabid moose waiting to eviscerate anyone who steps outside their log cabin to so much as piss on a maple tree or check their maple tree taps or look at the maple trees, what else have you got to do?
Finally, at long last, Glenn brings us to what I would consider the most important piece of the kit – the snare. I think a snare can go so far as to define the mood of an album (just ask Lars) – if you think about it, it’s pretty much constant throughout any song, and it’s generally the loudest thing. So if you want to not fuck it up, I suggest you listen to Glenn. Even if you think he’s wrong, you’ll probably learn something.
And if you’re not looking to learn something, then WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?
I give you How To Record Heavy Drums, Part 7: SNARE!