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Converge guitarist and recordist for Kvelertak, Black Breath, and Nails talks about his career, doing it yourself, and his outlooks
Our favorite punk band show us the bass goods.
Shootout pickups or pick out something to shoot up, but do it quick!
Ali Richardson tears through "Teras."
Matt Halpern and Adam "Nolly" will get the Studio Pass treatment in late August.
No text is spared Glenn Fricker's wit.
Alongside Primitive Weapons and Mutoid Man, this video is one of the best looks at the nuances of a show
Check some live drum cam footage of "Captain Comedown."
We investigate a time-honed metal vocal tradition.
Back in the USA for the first time in more than a decade!
And minoring in blast beats
Blood stains on his hands, and we don't know where Nick's been
Shane Matthewson rips "Management Control" on his time off from managing his band.
...but we left as Greeks.
The new king of the strat takes on the 805 pedal.
Catch a Go Pro view of guitar and drums chops and chins.