The latest in our Simpsons-themed guitar pedal discoveries (see our writeups on the Mr. Plow and the Mr. Sparkle for context) comes courtesy once again of Tribute Audio Designs, an awesome Ontario, Canada based boutique pedal company, who this time bring us this Professor Frink-inspired thing of beauty:
This pedal is an analog flanger and delay, modeled after the MXR-117 Flanger and PT2399 Delay, respectively, and features a flipper switch which allows the user to flip the order of the effects. As usual, Tribute is cool enough to post photos of the guts of their pedals, for all of you wiring nerds to get a peek at and critique:
Devon / December 2, 2014 11:56 pm
I was really hoping for a “Hoiven” and “Glaven” knobs.