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Guitarist R.J. Ober shows off
Guitarist Mark MR rips (live!)
Learn how to play their
Paul Wandtke takes on "Dead
It's like a one man
Rip and tear your way
Get ready to have a
The Beginning of Everything
More POV-Go Pro footage from
Introducing the big riff fest
Awaken that Rev G.
One of metal/hardcore's biggest names
Much better than old timey
Djent from the present day
Get your transfer for the
Get ready to get heavy!
Featuring the new Seymour Duncan
Originally released in 2017 and 2020.
Blinding color AND blinding shred.
Featuring Jongha Jeong of Fecundation.
It's very green.
In two iterations and colors.
In all its simple glory.
For all your shred needs.
It's actually pretty good logic.
Featuring Jam In The Van.
Divebombs included.
So yes, it's growly as hell.
Jacob Collier has been playing a custom 5-string .strandberg* lately, and even introduced a production model to the world that's
It's just shy of $250.
As requested.
A pretty powerful sculpting tool.
An "homage to classic American amplifiers," they said.