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Wait, is that a Fender
They've got the kind of
It's more deluxe than plain,
French black metallers have recruited
Check out a fan-filmed backstage
Check out a playthrough for
Slow down there buster!
What's Your Last Wish, PUNK
I personally would have gone
Watch them Sylosing in realtime.
Learn all up in your
You might want to do
Play slowly: you might get
A modern re-creation of the Liverpool Fuzz-Tone.
For all your Jazzmaster-lookin' needs.
EZ Mix 2? Yup. EZ instrument expansions? For sure. MIDI packs? Dude, yes.
In two colors.
"I don't trust a light guitar."
Down from $600 to $474.99.
The powerful standalone MPC desktop synthesizer.
Courtesy of Cameron Stucky.
Lookin' bloody.
Loaded with contemporary crystal bowl sounds.
Not as affordable.
Svante Stadler and Rikard Jönsson, throwing it back.
Delay, Chorus, and Compressor pedals.
Available now in six colors.
For all those filthy prog riffs.
Tealy Dan, baby!