drums Tag

...Because, didn't he... you know... the... guitar.... flying V... what?

No surprise that every musician Marty picked for this project turned in an incredible performance.

At War With Reality is coming soon, but that won't stop you from listening to the drums. That's because nothing

Following up on the release of the 20" ride cymbal a few months back.

Assuming your iPad is full-sized, and not one of those little scrawny ones.

You know how in Bill and Ted they wrote a song good enough to bring the planets into perfect alignment,

But just to be sure we're running each frame of footage through our Ruth Scanner 3000.

Hailing death is easy. Try hailing a cab for a real challenge.

Spencer Prewett makes use of "finger switch blasting" to stay ahead of his band's extreme tempos.

I've also said that if you're going to mimic something, do it how Bates would do it. Words to live

Trust me, videos of yourself hanging out with Erik Rutan are very difficult to fake.

Interestingly, this wasn't the only instance where the Turtles travelled in time. Who can name the other?