Billy Rymer finally gave up. Dude plays drums for Dillinger Escape Plan after all. He needs to practice, to go
“bada bada bada bam da bada bada…
whack! whack! whack! whack! whack!!!”
…like all goddamn day, and I guess his neighbors are sick of it. In situations like this the only thing you can do is to sojourn on some elaborate vision quest to the tallest mountaintop you can find, and play to the sunset.
Of course none of this would be possible without the Tama Silverstar Cocktail Kit, an adorable little puppy munchkin of an instrument that snuggles into two tiny travel bags. So now you never need to be separated from your drums again. Well, unless you insist on carrying all of your bags onto an airplane.
Fuzius / July 17, 2014 5:24 pm
umm needs a longer version ASP
Steven Demarce / July 17, 2014 6:04 pm
Wish they had put like an extra 2 minutes of just him jamming.