Revv up those fryers
Tell 'em DAVE
Take your chances with Gus.
Shred on, Greg, shred on
Ready to grind like Gus?
Emphasis on "Monster"
Don't Hirsch yourself!
That's a lot of strokes!
Beam me up, Scottie!
What doth ye covet?
We thought we had seen
It all makes sense now.
Dude rules.
It's insane.
Solid proof that grind-core is
Dave knows axes.
MY EARS (in a good
Add more power to your
There's a better way!
Make your chords more colorful
Analyze This (diatonic chord progression)
What chords are in the
We ask the Gear Elder
Everything you've ever wanted to
Pahk ya cah at the
Mic shootouts and positioning galore!
It's not the worst place to hide a coke mirror.
Glenn finds something he actually likes.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night - that's pretty brutal if you ask me.
MXL celebrates their 20th anniversary with some stylish new looks.
Potentially the most important step.
Wood you branch out and stick this in your studio, or wood you leaf it where it is?
Can't stop, won't stop - but if you wanna stop by, March 20-23, Orlando.
Somewhat more popular than their competitors, "Cold Audio".
Neumann at NAMM, man.
I was working in the KeyLab late one night
Fire, Water, Air - all they're missing is Earth and the (less popular) Heart and they could have a Captain
IK has some new mobile stuff for 2015, both iPhone and Android.
Here's how Skynet will transmit instructions to you.
A new micro clock rounds out a group of very enviable studio units.
But don't worry, the EQP-WA keeps the vintage blue color intact.