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Shibuya? I hardly know her!
Sticky and blue?
You can't put him out
Bruno Giordano is your sommelier
Tesser-act fast to see some
A Casual Conversation with Contemporary
Come and hang out!
Like Meshuggah with panic chords. On the heels of their
It rips.
How do they do it?
Moving enough product to make
All Hale Storm!
My papi played an organ
Life really isn't that peachy
Etheriuthly good.
There are many scales on
They are NOT the same
Kick up your songwriting skills!
Some pro-shot footage from 2014's Brutal Assault festival proves it!
Filmed during the band's performance at the Bonnerhaus in North Hollywood, CA on June 5th.
New drummer Waltteri Väyrynen rips it live. live on KEXP, that is.
The Metallica bassist sat in with the Mexican acoustic guitar duo for some re-imaginings of classic pre-Black Album tunes.
Filmed at Kirk Von Hammett's Fear FestEvil in San Francisco.
Maybe he fills some of them with nacho cheese for mid-song snacking.
It's a selfish man that won't see the joy in celebrating others