guitar Tag

The band goes into far more detail about the recording process than what I'm used to seeing from bands' studio

Stop by his "Dino House." He's serving "Dino Brunch."

At first I thought this was an Onion article.

But we've put in the time to squeeze out any info we could regarding the band's GodCity sessions.

His new signature pickup will be the Dissonant Aggressor.

Exclusive performance jams in less time than it takes to cook a Pop Tart.

Let your ears glaze over when he talks about moving you with the band's vocals and lyrics, but tune back

Shouldn't it be either "Rain Drinker" or "Ice Eater," or maybe "Snow Eater" at least?

If your pedals need 12v power or you need to bring your board across the Atlantic, this may be what

Premier Guitar interviewed Russian Circles about the band's recording setup.

Finally you may be able to afford some Moogerfooger pedals, and fit more than two on a pedalboard,

Dream Theater guitarist nerds out on new pickups.

Early today a photo surfaced of Dime's original sketches for his desired and now famous Dean Razorback. The photo comes courtesy

Realizing the popularity of seven and eight string guitars, Ibanez are taking things to another level with their new 1000