THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN – “Limerant Death” Drum Playthrough by Billy Rymer

Billy Rymer from the mighty Dillinger Escape Plan gives it the spazz tech wizardry treatment in this utterly ridiculous drum play-through for the brilliant “Limerant Death”.


I was so embarrassingly late to the Dillinger Escape Plan party it’s ridiculous (they basically announced they were splitting up on the day I started listening to them), but I am glad that I finally arrived because it is a fucking great place to be. Their new album Dissociation could well be the band’s undisputed masterpiece, for an album to come that late in to a band’s career and be ultimately the final record they may ever put out is quite something. It really is utterly phenomenal, I still cannot get enough of it and it bums me out to know that they are splitting up.

Please, can someone let me know in the comments what exactly is going on here though? Some of the hand and footwork in this play-through is next level, Billy’s left and right hand often playing in completely different zones and grooves it’s hard to tell what exactly he’s doing – but the end product is seriously impressive, add that to the way he bitch slaps each hit with true power and you have something special on your hands.

Billy smashes the living crap out of a Starclassic kit in Satin Bubinga finish – 20″x22″ bass drum, 8″x12″ rack tom, 16″x16″ floor tom, and a 6.5” x 14” SLP Power Maple snare drum with die-cast hoops. He is also using an Iron Cobra Rolling Glide double pedal, Speed Cobra hi-hat stand, as well as STAR snare, combo, and boom cymbal stands.

If you haven’t heard or haven’t got in to TDEP before then I seriously urge you to do so immediately – go watch their insane live show and take it all in while you still can, because they won’t be around for much longer.

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Heavy Metal fan, hailing from Harrogate, UK

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