Scale the Summit may be the busiest guys in prog – their upcoming album V is their fifth record within the last seven years, bassist Marc Michell runs an instructional bass website, and guitarist Chris Letchford films playthroughs in nature as well as in various periods of art history.
Scale the Summit are an interesting band, and stand out pretty starkly from the current crop of progressive metal bands. There’s nary a Meshuggah-esque djent or a metalcore breakdown to be found in their music, which is more in keeping with the spirit of 70’s British progressive rock.
Take for example new track “Blue Sun,” for which drummer J.C. Bryant just dropped a playthrough vid and drum kit run down. Check out his cymbal set-up and the video below, courtesy MEINL.
8″ Byzance Dark Splash turned upside down over an
18″ Byzance Traditional Extra-Thin Hammered Crash
16″ Byzance Extra Dry Hi-hats
10″ Byzance Dark Splash turned upside down over a
20″ Byzance Traditional Extra-Thin Hammered Crash
22″ Byzance Vintage Pure Ride
22″ Byzance Sand Crash/Ride
16″ Byzance Dark Crash over a
16″ Byzance Vintage Crash with a Meinl Ching Ring on top
22″ Byzance Vintage Crash
18″ Byzance Extra Dry China
V is out now via Prosthetic Records. Nab it here.