Yes, we were all sad that extreme drumming master and buttered coffee enthusiast John Longstreth had to leave Gorguts due to his exhaustive schedule. Between his other band Origin, clinics, dvds, and the like, the calendars just weren”t syncing. Personally I thought Colored Sands was John”s most inspired recorded performance, online slots and I”m beyond bummed to have never caught him live performing songs from that album.
But time heals all guts. It”s been well known that Longstreth”s replacement, Patrice Hamelin, is so slouch himself. In fact that”s one of the greater understatements I”ve typed this week. He”s been touring with Gorguts since before Longstreth departed the band officially (due to those aforementioned scheduling conflicts) so there”s already footage of Hamelin killing these songs. But more is always better when it comes to Gorguts.
“An Ocean of Wisdom” drum cam, live from Vienna, Austria 2014.
Source: Drummers from Hell
shorthairedmetal / May 29, 2014 1:33 pm
seen gorguts with hamelin twice now and he slays. vid needs maor bass druum!