IN VIRTUE Leave You Between Worlds In This Dual Guitar Playthrough of “Purgatory”

LA prog metal monsters In Virtue are back with a live-audio, dual-guitar playthrough of their earworm single “Purgatory” to celebrate reaching 1000 subscribers on their YouTube channel.


In this video, guitarists Trey Xavier and Rami Khalaf demonstrate the performance the song’s two guitar parts, and also the raw power of the Revv Generator 120 amplifier. Trey is playing his Kiesel TL70 while Rami is jamming a Strandberg Boden OS7.

“This song has some tricky parts, but luckily, since I’m singing while most of them are happening, I offloaded them all to Rami, my handsome stunt-cock” says Trey of the track, “he’s better than I am so it works out. I was told there would be donuts, is this interview going to take much longer?”

Check out their music video for the song below and join their growing legion of YouTube fans here.

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