I wanted to make sure that the GG coverage of NAMM included several of the up-and-coming guitar companies in the metal world as well as the big guys. Legator Guitars is a new company, founded in 2012, but they have already established a roster of names that includes Jonathan Donais of Shadows Fall/Anthrax (who has already had both a signature Washburn AND a signature B.C. Rich), Josh Travis of Glass Cloud, and Greg Tribbett of Hellyeah, among others. The Josh Travis model is the first signature 9-string I’ve seen on the market, but as this was the year of 9-strings at NAMM I wouldn’t be surprised to see others popping up soon.
Legator’s Adam Romine was kind enough to take the time to walk us through the 2014 lineup, which contained mostly neck-through designs (which is very much to MY liking), and the results can be seen below. Be sure to check them out at www.legatorguitars.com.