impromptu intro music that’s clearly influenced by the oldschool Metal Injection theme
Demovids is a YouTube channel that demos and reviews the gritty kinds of gear one might find on a God City Studios recording. They’re all-about that real gear, stuff with personality and things that an actual musician would use. They’re aren’t demoing those excessive, expensive, weekend warrior, vanity pieces that none of us could ever afford.
[Demovids makes] gear demos for non blues lawyers. If you like making things sound wrong then this is the place for you.
– demovids
Appropriately, the guys behind Demovids are Kurt (GodCity Studio, Converge) and Nate (Converge, Old Man Gloom, Doomriders). So they know what they’re talking about and they’ve got some killer chops.
I had to google what a “blues lawyer” was. Thanks
It’s gonna be interesting to see the pieces of kit that Kurt brings in for demoing. He is, of course, known for his unique “character” gear and the raw analogue-ish sounds that mark his recordings. So I bet there’s gonna be some unique and unusual tools demo’d here-and-there, along with some boutique custom effects pedals.
Already, they’ve covered a bass DI from Abominable Electronics, an Orange EQ pedal and a bass pickup from Lace. So it looks promising.
Subscribe to the Demovids YouTube channel over here. They’re gonna be doing weekly videos.
Go follow the dudes on Facebook to keep up with all the latest.