Well, it’s good to know there is at least one Boden OS 8 in existence – and it’s in good hands. Last night Chris Letchford of Scale the Summit posted this very clean video of “Djentris”, a djenty take on the Tetris theme.
My first thought is WHY GOD WHY DIDN’T THEY OFFER BLUE WHEN I GOT MY OS 7? and my second thought is oh right, it looks just like the CL-7 but in an 8 string.
Austin Chandler Howe / November 11, 2015 3:29 pm
That tone is aaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
PG de Jonge / November 12, 2015 1:23 pm
I always just assume it’s my ignorance when I think this. Now someone else said it, I’m jumping on that. AAAAASSSSSSS.
Taylor n / November 12, 2015 10:46 am
Already been done in a much much better version
PhilipStevenHader / November 12, 2015 6:29 pm
Jesus Christ, how do people actually think this sounds good?
666 / November 12, 2015 8:43 pm
sloppy, out of tune sound is horrible
testiklees / November 14, 2015 5:41 pm
I think it sounds cool, out of tune slightly and watery/bubbly sounding.