You know that trend in the comments sections of band’s social media, where people write “come to Chile” or “why haven’t you played Missoula” or “skipping Peoria again?”? You know, that particularly branch of whining that metal fans who live in far-away or bumblefuck places are wont to do.
Well, 1000 Foo Fighters fans in Italy took that shit to the next level. Organized by Fabio Zaffagnini, this Guinness World Record-setting performance involved those 1000 people playing “Learn to Fly” in unison as a plea to Dave Grohl to bring the Foos to the northern province of Cesena, Italy.
Although it’s somewhat hard for me to believe that it’s been that long since the Foo Fighters have played Italy – this is a worldwide stadium touring act we’re talking about here, this is really a mean feat that took over a year to put together.
Check out the performance below, along with an interview with Zaffagnini about the project: