I’ve been a fan of Code Orange for years, and it’s exciting to see their growth from Pittsburgh kids into one of the most formidable bands in metal and hardcore following 2014’s Kurt Ballou-recorded I Am King. And it shows onstage – when I saw these guys open for Dillinger Escape Plan at SXSW earlier this year, I was blown away by their energy, comfort on stage, and how tight their performances are for how chaotic the music is.
Our pals at hate5six caught the band’s set from the trenches at This is Hardcore back in July, and the results give you a pretty fair idea of how great this band is. Kudos to Sunny & co. on this one – it’s one of the most intimate, visceral videos they’ve shot yet.
stabyourcat / September 30, 2015 11:48 pm
Top notch. I’ve already watched this around 4 times.