This is pretty sick. Apparently the Bills are one of six remaining NFL teams that still uses a live drumline at their games, a role that has been served by the Stampede Drumline for the past few years. So of course, now there’s playthrough video – of the drumline on the field, the sidelines, the stands, and tailgating.
I wonder how they sound in the stadium, because it doesn’t seem like anyone is mic’d up, and the ears of NFL fans at these games are usually pummeled with AC/DC and Metallica riffs. Check the clip out, courtesy Downbeat Percussion:
yourmomsidol / October 7, 2015 10:20 am
Drumline. Lol.
JB / October 7, 2015 1:04 pm
Just to comment on the sound issue you brought up, here in Seattle, the Hawks drumline has specific times pre-game and during the game to play, and there’s not any music being played in the stadium. It’s pretty cool to see. Wish more NFL teams did this.